Board of Commissioners
Linda Adkison
Representing a Degree-Granting Institution

Prior to joining PCOM, Dr. Adkison served as the Provost and Dean of Trinity Medical Sciences University and School of Medicine in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, the Associate Dean of Curricular Affairs at Kansas City University, and Professor of Genetics and Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Mercer University. Dr. Adkison received her Bachelor of Science Master of Science degrees at Georgia Southern University before completing her doctoral degree in genetics at Texas A&M University. Dr. Adkison completed an NIH post-doctoral fellowship at the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, ME before joining Mercer School of Medicine.
Dr. Adkison is an accomplished scientist in the areas of molecular genetics and medical education. She has authored over 50 peer-reviewed manuscripts, two books, and many published abstracts. She has presented regularly at regional, national, and international meetings throughout her career.
Dr. Adkison has two children who live in Ann Arbor, MI and Rosemead, CA. She enjoys outdoor activities, sports at various levels, and gardening in her leisure time.