August 30, 2019
Deputy Director, Laura S. Vieth, EdD Appointed to the NASASPS Board of Directors
NASASPS Quarterly, Volume 12
August 2019
Greetings NASASPS Members,
I hope everyone was able to enjoy the summer! My family road-tripped from Kansas to California and enjoyed the beauty our country has to offer. It was an amazing trip!
The NASASPS board and staff have spent the summer months preparing for the 2019 Fall Workshop set to kick off in Minneapolis, MN, on September 19-20! The workshop provides a great opportunity to network with fellow regulators. The agenda includes state updates, international institutions, and a panel to discuss the roles within the triad. Returning to the conference is one of my favorite sessions, Listserv LIVE!. This session is an interactive discussion of the issues and challenges we all face. The school closure and distance education committees will also provide an update on the initiatives they are working on since the annual conference.
As you are aware, a long-time NASASPS member and past president, Lane Goodwin took a new position with the South Carolina Technical College System. Lane was invaluable to NASASPS and provided many years of service to the organization. We wish her the very best. The Board appointed Laura Vieth to complete Lane’s term on the Board of Directors.
Laura is the Deputy Director for the Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission (GNPEC). She has worked at GNPEC since 2011. Her current work is focused on state authorization, operations management, and agency process improvement initiatives. She earned a Doctor of Education in Learning, Leadership, and Organizational Development from the University of Georgia in 2017, completing a dissertation focused on the evaluation of unaccredited postsecondary institutions. Additionally, she earned a Master of Arts in Teaching from Georgia State University in 2010.
We welcome Laura and look forward to working with her!
In addition to the Fall Workshop, NASASPS recently announced two additional informational opportunities – the state regulator quarterly call with the U.S. Department of Education and a webinar discussing the goals of the Entry-Level Driving Training Regulations that will impact CDL licensing across the country. Register for these events at
If you have any questions about NASASPS or would like to speak to me at anytime, please feel free to email me at [email protected].
All the best,
Crystal Puderbaugh
NASASPS President