Statutory Authority: O.C.G.A. §§ 20-3-250.5(b)(2); 20-3-250.6(a)(14) 

1. Complaint procedure must include the following: 

  • Steps for filing a complaint: 

    • Submission requirements; 

    • Institutional review process, including response times; and 

    • Notification of right to appeal final institutional decision to GNPEC. 

      • GNPEC contact information, including agency name, phone number, and website link for the complaint form, must be provided. 

2. Complaint procedure must be provided as part of the catalog and enrollment agreement. 

  • If the institution has a website, the current catalog, with the complaint procedure, must be posted. 

3. For institutions with physical facilities for students, the complaint procedure must be posted prominently in a public place where students congregate (i.e., student break room).